CFATS Compliance
Question: Can you assist us with CFATS compliance?
Response & Analysis:
Yes. The Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards program (“CFATS”) is the Department of Homeland Security’s (“DHS”) risk-based regulatory program that sets the standard for security at the nation’s high-risk chemical facilities through established risk-based performance standards (“RBPS”). RBPS-12 (Personnel Surety) addresses verifying the background of certain persons with access to restricted areas and critical assets of high-risk chemical facilities—a key component of facility security. In addition to verifying and validating workers’ identities, checking their criminal histories and verifying and validating their legal authorizations to work, RBPS-12 requires the vetting of individuals for terrorist ties.
While the PSP continues to evolve and DHS works to finalize it, to the extent the final regulations allow it, Certiphi Screening can act as your organization’s designee to perform the screening function.
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