The applicant screening industry moves fast. Keep up with our Industry News blog, which presents breaking news items, culled from newspapers and trade publications, relating to legislation, case law, statistics and trends in applicant screening.
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Sporting goods store accused of violating FCRA in new class-action lawsuit
Tags:The suit claims that Hibbett Sporting Goods, an Alabama-based sporting goods retailer, violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), for failing to comply with the Act’s pre-adverse action requirements. Read More
FTC report provides recommendations to businesses on growing use of big data
Tags:On Jan. 6, 2016, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released a report titled “ Big Data: A Tool for Inclusion or Exclusion? Understanding the Issues , ” which describes how big data use can run afoul of federal laws and regulations. Read More
Pa. court strikes state law barring individuals with certain disqualifying convictions from working with elderly
Tags:On Dec. 30, 2015, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania—one of the state’s two intermediate appellate courts—held that the lifetime employment ban on individuals convicted of certain crimes contained in Sec. 503(a) 1 of the Older Adults Protective Services Act (“Act”) is unconstitutional and unenforceable, and thus enjoined the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania from enforcing the law. Read More
FTC releases new data security guidance for businesses
The Federal Trade Commission announced a new initiative and released a corresponding guidance document which focuses on helping businesses to better protect consumers’ information. Read More
Legislation will provide guidelines for hair-based drug testing of commercial drivers
Tags:Under the recently signed Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, entities regulated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will be permitted to conduct hair-based drug testing for both pre-employment and random drug testing. Read More